A Few Changes

12 Mar

I just updated the “About MochaMom04” section.  I thought I would share.

Thank you for stopping by my blog.  I truly am honored by your presence, especially since there are SO many blogs in cyberspace.

A little about me… My name is Tonya and when I started my blog I was a stay at home wife and mother of four wonderful children, three daughters and a son.  I absolutely love being a mommy and wife to Sam.

Well…I am still a wife and mother, however I am no longer at home!  I went back to work in the summer of 2010.    I am now very busy with work  (I teach high school), my family, my church (my hubby is the Pastor) and somewhere in there I attempt to get some “me time”, which generally means…shopping!

So for anyone browsing my page, you will notice the DRASTIC change in my posts.  I went from posting weekly…to every now and then!  The focus of my blog was saving money and how to get things free…how to cut your grocery bill…The name of my blog was “A Sip of Savings with MochaMom04.”   This used to be a part of the About MochaMom04 blurb “I have always been frugal and shopped a sale, but after giving birth to three children in two years and going from two incomes to one…I have become a bargain obsessed woman on a mission to save money!  My husband says that I have an addiction:-)  I attempt to save money everywhere that I go!  I am here to share my secrets and successes of saving with you!  If I come across it, I will share it.”

I am still crazy about sales and shopping…but when I went back to work, my extra time to write and research savings diminished.  My focus has changed somewhat now.  I still want to share my savings and tips on how to be a better “steward” of your finances, but I want to also just write about things that are on my mind…things I go through…and just random STUFF!  I will not be writing everyday, but hopefully I will post something weekly.  I truly miss writing and interacting with the world!

So…welcome to the new blog!  I can’t wait to share all kinds of stuff with you!  I will add a few new posts about my JCP finds.

woman silhouette

General Mills Giveaway from My Blog Spark

8 Feb


I have been away from my blog for way too long!  I absolutely miss writing about my savings and just blogging in general.  I have been tossing around the idea of reviving my blog and doing something a little new.  We will definitely see.  

Being that I used to blog all of time, I still get contacted by various companies about promotions and giveaways.  I was very excited about an opportunity that came my way from My Blog Spark and General Mills.  I MISS getting freebies and I miss being able to share freebies with my readers.   So here is a giveaway!  

My little ones were excited to see what the Fed Ex man delivered while they were at school. I received my prize pack from My Blog Spark with a full size box of General Mills Trix cereal and two tickets to the movies.  I haven’t had the chance to use the tickets yet because our family has been fighting the flu…but I plan on using the tickets for a date night, hopefully this weekend.  

My Blog Spark is kind enough to let me host a giveaway of a prize pack! Here is what you need to do to enter…

1. You have to be a follower of my blog. If you aren’t already you can sign up HERE.

2. Share your family’s favorite General Mills Cereal.  My children (and I) LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Honey Nut Cheerios!  (Leave a comment below)

3. Get an extra entry for liking/following me on Facebook.

I will select a winner at random on Tuesday, February 19, 2013!  

Hilarious Post!

24 Jul

I read numerous blogs each day and there are some awesome, creative bloggers out in cyberspace.  I ran across this blog and I just have to share this post.  For those of us with toddlers, we can definitely understand and relate.  At the end, leave comments with other ways why having toddlers is like being at a frat party.  Enjoy!


 10. There are half-full, brightly-colored plastic cups on the floor in every room. Three are in the bathtub.

9. There’s always that one girl, bawling her eyes out in a corner.

8. It’s best not to assume that the person closest to you has any control over their digestive function.

7. You sneak off to the bathroom knowing that as soon as you sit down, someone’s going to start banging on the door.

6. Probably 80% of the stains on the furniture contain DNA.

5. You’ve got someone in your face at 3 a.m. looking for a drink.

4. There’s definitely going to be a fight.

3. You’re not sure whether anything you’re doing is right, you just hope it won’t get you arrested.

2. There are crumpled-up underpants everywhere.

1. You wake up wondering exactly how and when the person in bed with you got there.

My additions:

  • There’s always someone streaking, flashing or mooning
  • Breakfast of choice is pizza…even cold pizza

Your additions…

Time for a Break

1 Jul

I recently started reading a great blog, The Diaper Diaries-“Always loaded, sometimes full of crap”.  I love the posts that the author writes.  She uses her blog as a diary, a place to share almost anything.  Sometimes there are product reviews, other times she writes about her children or an event that she attended.  As much as I enjoy writing about saving money, I think I would enjoy writing more “random” stuff.  So, this is a random post, and I plan to write more “randomness” from time to time.  Hopefully you won’t mind:-)

Time for a break… This summer makes two years of being a SAHM (stay at home mom).  My mother was a SAHM for most of my childhood.  I don’t think she returned to the work force until I was in middle school.  It was a wonderful thing to have her home.  She dedicated her life to us, our family.  At an early age, I knew I wanted to be a sahm.  I prayed that when the time came for me to have children, I would be able to stay at home and be like my mother. 

Well, in 2008, I gave birth to twin girls…following the birth of my son in 2007.  So, that makes 3 babies in 1 year…1 year and 10 days to be exact.  My DH and I sat down and had a very important conversation about our family and we decided that I would stay home, and stop working as a teacher for a while.  Needless to say I was over joyed that my prayers were being answered.  It has been such a blessing being at home caring for my children and home.  The children are only young once and I cherish my time with my family. 

With that being said, I am ready for and in need of a break!  Being a SAHM is a 24/7 job.  There probably isn’t any other job in the world that requires its employees to work, eat, sleep, shower and live on site.  There is no calling in sick or requesting a transfer…if you are committed that is.  Well, recently I realized I needed a break.  My DH clearly realized it too.  Last week he surprised me with a “me trip”.  A getaway just for me.  I am truly looking forward to spending time with myself.  To waking up when I want and possibly taking a nap.  Taking a shower without rushing and using the bathroom without interruption.  Going to a restaurant and not requesting 3 high chairs and feeling bad when we leave because there is more food on the floor than on the table.  I am looking forward to walking through another city and being seen as a woman and not as all of the many hats I wear.  I am going to let my hair down and in the words of one of my favorite quotes from A Different World, “relax, relate, release”!

I had to laugh as I wrote the last paragraph because I will more than likely enjoy the first 5 minutes of being alone and then I will be so lost without my family.  I absolutely love being Sam’s wife and mom to Maggie, Cole, Maddie and Macy and can’t imagine anything else, but I know I need this time away. 

It is so important for us as women to keep a part of who we are.  It is so easy to become totally wrapped up in our role as mother and wife, but if we lose ourselves, what can we really offer to those that we love?  Not much!  Do things for yourself, keep looking pretty, shop for yourself every now and then…even if it is at the thrift store or a consignment shop.  Get a massage, take yourself to lunch.  Oh, and continue to date your spouse!  Day to day life can get to be so monotonous so we have to work daily at keeping the “fire” in our relationship.  I am SO looking forward to upcoming time away with my hubby!  But that’s another post… That’s all I will say about that! 

I will write all about my 4 night getaway to Atlanta, Georgia.

Thrift Store Shopping

1 Jul

Recently I was sucked into a local thrift store by the bright signs in the window advertising that all clothes were $1.  I could not just pass by without taking a peek inside.  I ventured inside that store with my toddler twin daughters, my nephew and niece.  It was a blistering hot day, and the store was just slightly cooler than outside.

This particular thrift store always catches my eye as I drive pass because of the color themed window displays.

I immediately found several things that I liked and figured I would be able to fit.  I purchased 13 items of clothes for myself, 3 for the twins and 4 for my son.  I ended up spending around $28, $1 for each article of clothing and very cute United Colors of Benetton bag that was under $10.  Among my finds were several Ann Taylor and Calvin Klein pieces which were very nice. 

Shopping in the thrift stores are great!  You can feed your need to shop, spend a limited amount of money and add to your wardrobe.  I suggest you look into thrift and consignment shops in your area.  If you live in the Hampton Roads area, there are quite a few that are nice.  Some specifically carry children’s clothing and others have a wide range of items that vary from clothing, housewares, furniture to home decor.  I do believe in the phrase that someone else’s junk can be another’s treasure.

This Week’s Specials at Kroger

22 Jun

Robin over at Pink Coupon Cafe does an AWESOME job of putting together an organized list of items that are on sale at various places and matching them with available coupons.  I love her website.  I suggest that you subscribe if you shop at Kroger, Target, and CVS.

Click HERE to visit her site and see what money saving match ups she has this week.  Just an FYI…I was in Kroger on Saturday and they had the Gillette Body Wash buy one, get one free.  I coupled it with the P&G BOGO coupon for Gillette body wash and got them absolutely free!  That makes me happy!  Just in time for Father’s Day!!  Dad’s love body wash right! LOL  They also had the Old Spice body wash bogo and you can use the P&G coupon for that too.  I am not sure if it is still on sale this week…I just happened to stumble across it while browsing the aisles.  It wasn’t in the flyer.

Waffle House: Free Slice of Pie

22 Jun

Use this coupon to get a free small slice of pie at any Waffle House location. Dine-in only. One per customer. No purchase necessary.

This coupon expires July 10, 2010.

Fudds Club

22 Jun

Join the Fuddruckers Club for a FREE Burger & a FREE Gift

Join the Fuddruckers E-Club & get a FREE gift for joining. You’ll also get a FREE burger on your birthday & something special on your Fudd’s Club anniversary.  Click HERE to join!

Freebie at Whataburger

22 Jun

Free Breakfast on a Bun from Whataburger tomorrow 7-10am.  I believe this freebie is for customer appreciation.  I believe Whataburger is just a chain located in the southern states… I remember going to one in Orlando, Fl.

The Breakfast on a Bun comes with a fresh egg, choice of bacon or pork sausage, and a slice of real American cheese served on a toasted bun. During the event, customers can order it “Ranchero Style” with jalapenos and salsa at no extra charge. The Breakfast on a Bun offer is one per customer, and the customer must be present to receive a free sandwich.

First Day of Summer Treat at Rita’s!

21 Jun

Let’s start the Summer of 2010 with a tank full of Happiness !

Visit Rita’s on Monday, June 21st from 12pm till 10pm and get a Regular size cup of Italian Ice for just 99c!!

Click HERE to find a Rita’s near you!